Definiciones de IA

the branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it.

Intelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity; The branch of computer science dealing with the reproduction or mimicking of human-level thought in computers; The essential quality of a machine which thinks in a manner similar to or on the same general level as a human being.

Field of study concerned with producing computer programs capable of learning and processing their own ‘thoughts'.

A machines ability through sensors and software to make decisions.

Research on spacecraft autonomy, emerging properties of complex systems, automated system design and on the applications of the methods developed by the AI community to problems related to space system.

applies to a computer system that is able to operate in a manner similar to that of human intelligence; that is, it can understand natural language and is capable of solving problems, learning, adapting, recognising, classifying, self-improvement, and reasoning.

the use of programs to enable machines to perform tasks which humans perform using their intelligence. Early AI avoided human psychological models, but this orientation has been altered by the development of connectionism, which is based on theories of how the brain works.

tools that exhibit human intelligence and behaviour including self-learning robots, expert systems, voice recognition, natural and automated translation.

The branch of computer science that attempts to program computers to respond as if they were thinking--capable of reasoning, adapting to new situations, and learning new skills.